IKEA IKODE@Shanghai 2018 Hackathon 1st. IKEA Maker uses Unity & ARKit to enhance the experience of assembling.
Tech Stack
IKEA Maker was built with Unity 2017.3.0f3. Used assets are listed as below:
- AVProVideo
- DOTweenPro
- EasyTouchBundle
- TranslucentImage
- TaskParallel
- The Amazing Wireframe Shader
- Beautify
- ConsolePro
- SRDebugger
Shown below is a demo video recorded in the middle of the hackathon. Notice video tutorial players in each panel are still placeholders as they only play test anime clips at the time of recording. In the final version these animes were replaced with guidance video.
Video Player is loading.
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The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.