
AR Wikipedia with ML baked in

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Hunan Huazhong HHHackathon #2 Prize.
AReco is a wiki app that leverage the power of ARKit and CoreML. With the help of MobileNet, AReco can recognize common objects and shows a info-graphic layer in AR world space. A special feature points meshing effect was also implemented using Scrawk's Convex Hull algorithm.


Meshing Effect

As you can see in the gif below, there are moving dots and lines that construct a wire-frame model in real-time. Actually, this is not a real-time meshing. It's just an effect that mimics meshing. The triangulation work with feature points recognized by ARKit was achieved by the Convex Hull algorithm, then I simply called Unity to draw lines between triangulation connections.

Also credit to anthonyboyd's amazing animated mockup.


Lin Li, Jiayang Ao, and Haotian Zheng (Team '大四了我们还忙得像狗一样')

Last updated at Jun 10, 2018 9:00 AM
Originally created at Jun 10, 2018 9:00 AM